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  1. Olliechu

    Group badges not showing up in client or on the me page, also my logout button doesnt work

    Thanks for the reply, I took that code and put it into my logout.php and still nothing, also not sure what I am looking for in my web.config other than this part here <rule name="HBG-Xdr"> <match url="^habbo-imaging/badge/(.*)" ignoreCase="false" />...
  2. Olliechu

    Group badges not showing up in client or on the me page, also my logout button doesnt work

    Hey there, I have been working on my own retro for the last couple of days using BrainCMS and PlusEMU. So my group badges don't show up on the /me page and also in-game, any help would be amazing External variables: external override variables errors from 3 badges lgout.php