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  1. Zorreguieta

    Edit clothes

    Hi, I was wondering if there was anywhere a tutorial for how to edit clothes and furniture. I am quite good at pixelling but after unzipping and decompiling the swf's I get quite lost in the amount of images that needs to be redone. Is there a tutorial anywhere? Thanks
  2. Zorreguieta

    Please update me on 2020

    Hi, I've been off the retro scene for a year now. Is it worth joining back with flash dying this year? How far are projects on another client so far?
  3. Zorreguieta

    Recruiting Developer

    I'm recruiting a developer for my retro that I'm reopening. It was a succes last year, and we still have some people in our community that would play it. If you want to receive money for your work, we can talk about that. Please send me a PM or write your discord below.
  4. Zorreguieta


    Hi, since I played Habbo roleplays for years but now the last one (PeakRP) closed is there any other RP that is worth it playing? Or are people thinking about opening one, I think there s still a lot of players for these kinda things. Let me know if u know a RP I can play x