Search results

  1. melihsavage

    do you use discord?

    do you use discord?
  2. melihsavage

    [DESIGN] Bobba CMS Layout

    It looks great, nice job.
  3. melihsavage

    [NEW] SQL/Furnidata Generator [NodeJS]

    Better than others, i like it mate.
  4. melihsavage

    Feedback HabboCash Facebook Cover Photo

    Facebook cover pic for HabboCash, its my design. Discord : Melih#8992
  5. melihsavage | |
  6. melihsavage

    Habbo Special Staff Effect

    Gif link; Download ( replace the file with the old one )
  7. melihsavage

    New Art Paintings (2020)

    Hi guy, I will share new art paintings for you. DOWNLOAD (Inside the file are database codes for Plus and Arcturus EMU)
  8. melihsavage

    Youtuber Effect (Winter)

    saol :lol:
  9. melihsavage

    Feedback Special Loading Screen

    share your idea with me! discord : melih türkoğlu#4146
  10. melihsavage

    Youtuber Effect (Winter)

    hello everyone!;) screenshot: click for download
  11. melihsavage

    GoldFish CMS [1.3.0][Arcturus Morningstar]

    Spectacular! Do you help set it up?
  12. melihsavage

    Bubbo CMS

    all screenshot(s) : download : go zip password : Xampp com php 5.6 cPanel com php 5.6 IIS com php 5.6 Nginx Unky CMS settings: 1. app/management/config.php 2.: app/tpl/skins/BubboHeadyShot/client.php BUBBO CMS RELEASES by...
  13. melihsavage

    Habbo Custom Bubbles!

    Thanks 1559493808 Thanks man
  14. melihsavage

    Habbo Custom Bubbles!

    Hello, Hotel and Skull bubble. screenshot : ** download bubbles:!bP5RUAQa!2FFEVYpjWdl3kYv7oQ0wTS93_SWE1jpnUceca45W6-I ** 1) Download the free JPEXS SWF Decompiler program. Download: Decompiler 2) Open your Habbo.swf with JPEXS SWF DECOMPILER. 3) Open your "images" with...
  15. melihsavage

    Unicorns - Furni Pack

    thanks man :p 1559304978 :gangnam: thx
  16. melihsavage

    Unicorns - Furni Pack

    screenshot: download :!WbAxzahZ!sBFgcXcrIDqRe3JLGTIH_jWq44fxdCTz98eIcLY6ys4
  17. melihsavage

    Anniversary - Furni Pack

  18. melihsavage

    Ninja Turtles - Furni Pack

    screenshot : download :!2aJmUabR!GOIk45OrdVoUsMi1KSojR-4vNK28_2JTjlG-S--AoiI