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  1. V

    Habbo index page

    My Index page... hope someone will code it for me!
  2. V

    [V] Another Signature

    My latest signature, hope you like it!
  3. V

    [V] Signatures

    Hey guys, I haven't posted on here in ages so I thought I'd share a little of my graphics work, here are 4 of my signatures; I made all of these today within 1 hour so if they are bad it's because of the time took to make them. C&C??
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    TheHabbos.ORG API Set-Up Help Request

    Hello everyone, I've recently downloaded newest version of their .API however I need a detailed explanation on how to add this, I'd be extremely greatfull if you could reply with the help I need. Thanks Regards, Verb
  5. V

    [CODED] Custom Furniture [CODED]

    Hello everyone, this is my first post on DevBest as I'm most of the time on Otaku therefore I'm sorry if this is in the incorrect place. I'm under the name 'VerbOtaku' because some faker used my name but I can assure you this is the real Verb. I'm going to show you a few of my customs I've...