Search results

  1. wow97

    Football Bug

    Please, help me! using Plus.Collections; using Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients; using Plus.HabboHotel.Items; using Plus.HabboHotel.PathFinding; using Plus.Messages; using Plus.Messages.Parsers; using Plus.Util; using System; using...
  2. wow97

    BobbaRP no connect

    ## BobbaRP EMULATOR ## MySQL Configuration db.hostname= db.port=3306 db.username=root db.password= ## MySQL pooling setup (controls amount of connections) db.pool.minsize=10 db.pool.maxsize=999999 ## Game TCP/IP Configuration game.tcp.bindip=my-ip game.tcp.port=30000...
  3. wow97

    Chat Console

    I have a big problem whit Chat Console.. I see double user. /// <summary> /// Called when [status changed]. /// </summary> /// <param name="notification">if set to <c>true</c> [notification].</param> internal void OnStatusChanged(bool notification)...