Search results

  1. N

    Catalogue seeking...

    [2019-01-12 05:21:07] [Msg] Processed:7187, Added:0, Updated:0, Deleted:0, Errors:7187 [2019-01-12 05:21:07] [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully [2019-01-12 05:21:07] [Err] 1467 - Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine here is the text file of the error for "furniture" table -...
  2. N

    Catalogue seeking...

    I actually did try to upload that one but it just gives me errors. None of the pages upload properly. and when i try to upload the files. it creates the db but it ends up looking like (See pic below) which doesnt make sense. I tried everything but I had to return to the old catalogue. The pic...
  3. N

    Catalogue seeking...

    Hey, I'm looking for a catalogue that is already edited and works properly. I have PlusEMU. The current catalogue I have has been taking so long to edit to how I would like it, but im just wondering if there is one thats already organized and that would work properly when adding into SQL /...