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  1. Pow


    It sucks en off discussion and he sucks donkashan stfu be happy that nobody likes your stupid videos seriously get a grip
  2. Pow


    No it's not but to call others homo because they do diffrent
  3. Pow

    Help With My r63

    Try looking for PhoenixPHP on
  4. Pow

    Help With My r63

    Then try using a other phoenix since your obviously using a cracked version of it don't you.
  5. Pow

    Help With My r63

    Install the right shock wave player case solved if worked.
  6. Pow

    Help With My r63

    Well just show me a screenshot of your problem and i'l help you out
  7. Pow


    Well just to be honest the term ''Gay'' is a unrespectfull term to use just as a video that he has made if he whas gay then i'd still respect him for the way he is but 'his videos are a little overrated and childish.
  8. Pow

    UKRP old and new

    Well it's true but i've tested it out and it's good for me and it's neither crap