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  1. Chakaa

    Website problem

    it may be because css is not linked properly
  2. Chakaa

    who r u

    who r u
  3. Chakaa

    stuck at 76% plusemu build2

    yes! i got this fixed, mod can close thread!
  4. Chakaa

    stuck at 76% plusemu build2

    checked and no nulls inside
  5. Chakaa

    stuck at 76% plusemu build2

    2018-12-12 02:36:17,027 ERROR - Exception >> Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key) at...
  6. Chakaa

    Change catalogue currency icons

    habbo.swf image 2425
  7. Chakaa

    10 Holiday Badges For Plus (small release)

    do you even know the meaning of "joke"
  8. Chakaa

    10 Holiday Badges For Plus (small release)

    will this only works for plusemu?
  9. Chakaa | #1 English Retro | Active Since 2013

    defo the best hotel 1000000/10
  10. Chakaa

    Looking for some Help

    the red one on the bottom is on habbo.swf, as for the banner its on your swfs files, c_images>reception, the image should be called reception_logo_drape change it. as for the yohabbo on loading screen i guess its on habbo.swf too?
  11. Chakaa

    Sleek (RevCMS THEME)

    5.6, and yes i did
  12. Chakaa

    Sleek (RevCMS THEME)

    500 Internal Server Error
  13. Chakaa

    Sleek (RevCMS THEME)

    hk doesnt seem to work :O anyone know why?
  14. Chakaa

    PLUSEmu with SWF
  15. Chakaa

    [Help] Plus Emu New Clothing Bug

    if the sellable is 1 the clothes wont show up on the wardrobe. which plus are you using? plus r2 or habboemulator by brad? if you are using plus r2 try this fix
  16. Chakaa

    [Help] Plus Emu New Clothing Bug

    make sure to replace the figuredata on emulator>bin>debug>extra too
  17. Chakaa

    [REL] Custom Habpop Clothing

    as @evacroft said put it on their own category example "ca" put it after <settype type="ca" basically like that
  18. Chakaa

    [REL] Custom Habpop Clothing

    my bad, it works!
  19. Chakaa

    Reasons not to use PlusEmulator.

    well i think how capable the developer is the problem here.