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  1. Yavuz

    Help me Home_room or Reception error

    Paket Hatası: [2454] BODY paketindeki hata: [0] [0] [0] ?: System.NullReferenceException: Nesne ba? Vurusu bir nesnenin? Rne? İne ayarlanmad ?. [405] BODY paketindeki hata: [0] [0] [0]? [0]? MURE [0] [0] [0] ?: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Dizin, dizi s? N? Rlar? N? Nd ??? ndayd ...
  2. Yavuz

    Help me Home_room or Reception error

    I'm using PlusEmulator. I have a problem with home_room or reception. I did not fully understand. A table in the room enters a room no. 4 and does not go to the reception. When I delete this room, it's a black screen. Example home_room I did 154. The game entered the ID room 154 at the first...