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  1. H

    r63 White Client Page Error

    My vars and shit are right but my client stays white.. reasons for this? my emu is running..
  2. H

    Localhost Help?

    Heres the story.. 2 Days ago my retro worked fine. Yesterday Internet went off, wireless was all fucked up. Today I go to Localhost and it gives me this. I had to reconfig my router and crap, so does that have anything to do with it?
  3. H

    [HELP] How Do I Add Customs To v26 ?

    I can make a new catalouge page, but I tried to make my throne in it, and didnt work. Can someone post screenies of what to do or something?
  4. H

    PHPRetro Shockwave Error (HELP)

    This is what happens when I ret to enter, do I need to edit anything on my loader for it to work or just leave it as is.