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  1. G

    Plus Emu Problems

    Need 25 posts. Will it let you send me one?
  2. G

    Plus Emu Problems

    Do you use discord? Fusion#4045
  3. G

    Plus Emu Problems

    Please clarify, which files need editing and with what? I'm "noob" at this stuff of course hoping to get better, we all gotta start somewhere.
  4. G

    Plus Emu Problems Still not fixed, <-- .htaccess
  5. G

    Plus Emu Problems

    Didn't fix it, thanks for trying. Anymore ideas?
  6. G

    Plus Emu Problems

    Correct, can you send me that web.config rule?
  7. G

    Plus Emu Problems can you spot anything that might be causing issues, cheers for the help.
  8. G

    Plus Emu Problems

    Thank you so much you're legend, you fixed my cata item icons but the only thing is now, still that invisible character on launch and group badges are invisible!
  9. G

    Plus Emu Problems

    Well my icons are /swf/dcr/hof_furni/icons , the config is there and I don't see a problem with the url links to icons.
  10. G

    Plus Emu Problems

    Trust me I've looked plenty, I have also seen this problem without the answer to fix it correctly. Everyone has said "external_variables" or "override_variables" which hasn't fixed it, they've also said "have an icons folder for the catalog items" that's done, not fixed, "make sure all icons are...
  11. G

    Plus Emu Problems

    Screenshots of Error: External_variables: "myhotelip" was put there deliberately for security reasons and yes I...
  12. G

    [Plus EMU] Black Screen Error [Help needed]

    Reasons for 76 - Client.php not setup correctly, external_override/external_variables not setup correctly. Try them.
  13. G


    Good Idea, this should definitely help some people once you get the answer.
  14. G

    GTA V How to play GTA V on Windows 10

    Did you buy it off steam or rockstar?