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  1. G

    I need help with group chats

    Hi, I can’t figure out how to add groupchats on plusemu, i saw it on a rival fourm. I want really this function on my habbo retro. Can somebody please help me with this? Contact me on Discord: [REMOVED]
  2. G

    Issue with plus emu debugging

  3. G

    Issue with plus emu debugging

    Yeah ofc, nothing changes when i debug
  4. G

    Issue with plus emu debugging

    Good afternoon, I have a problem with plusemu when I debug it with visual studio. Then nothing changes? What is the problem, have never experienced this.
  5. G

    Coloured Usernames Release [PlusEmu]

    I don’t have Player Static Values on my Habbo.cs file
  6. G

    Coloured Usernames Release [PlusEmu]

    How can i fix this on Plus Emu R1?
  7. G

    Custom Winged Dragons [REL] [PLUS EMU R1]

    SQLS are not completed but np
  8. G

    Custom Winged Dragons [REL] [PLUS EMU R1]

    i need a new link
  9. G

    CloudServer [Plus] + Stable

    Downloadlink is not working, have someone else a new downloadlink for me?
  10. G

    Rainbow Custom Rares (Re-Release)

    Are the SWFS working on Plus Emulator R1?
  11. G

    Marijuana Custom Furni. [SWF and SQL]

    Can you concert for me?
  12. G

    Marijuana Custom Furni. [SWF and SQL]

    Is this for Plus Emulator R1?
  13. G

    Monster Energy Range : Re-Release

    is it for plus emu?
  14. G

    Casino Rares

    For R1 Production 2016?
  15. G

    Casino Rares

    Is this for Plus Emu?