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  1. AndrewMck

    Office/bedroom makeover!

  2. AndrewMck

    Office/bedroom makeover!

    haha true mines a mess xDD
  3. AndrewMck

    Office/bedroom makeover!

    Hahaha ive jst got rif of our tank :P ur jst cleaned for the pics LOL?
  4. AndrewMck

    Office/bedroom makeover!

  5. AndrewMck

    Office/bedroom makeover!

    Fish tank no fish LOL Use only to store xD? Rooms bit messy?
  6. AndrewMck

    Exclusive Index! | Phoenix/Uber CMS | DDin

    have to pay for it..
  7. AndrewMck

    mediafire dont work

    Try google chrome or a proxy?
  8. AndrewMck

    How do i set up the swfs and dcrs on Ubercms ?

    IDK Its like easyer on other ones idk on ubercms :L Help me cheeeeers:D:D:p
  9. AndrewMck

    Need help with DCRS

    change the port and the MUS PORT...
  10. AndrewMck

    UberCms Pre hosted swfs i want to try somthing...

    wtf soz dev lagged me there...
  11. AndrewMck

    UberCms Pre hosted swfs i want to try somthing...

    what are the mabbo swfs link me x) i dnt have tv i have Ammy Admin xDDD cba :L what about MSN LOL? cba :L what about MSN LOL? cba :L what about MSN LOL? add me on msn?? [email protected]
  12. AndrewMck

    UberCms Pre hosted swfs i want to try somthing...

    help me LOL XD
  13. AndrewMck

    UberCms Pre hosted swfs i want to try somthing...

    i did have ubercms then i started using phpretro i got fed up of it lol it was working fine then mucked up. idk.. Anyway can anyone provide me with some pre hosted v63 swfs? i wana see if its mine whats wrong...
  14. AndrewMck

    Do You Like Nyan Cat ?

  15. AndrewMck

    Do You Like Nyan Cat ?

    Opinion ON The Nyan Cat... ^^That Version 3 1/2 Hours Long ^^
  16. AndrewMck

    v26 Loading screen...

    First off sorry for posting so much stuff in the help :L Anywayss, Do you know how to change the loading screen? from this... To Like a diif image or a custom image? Its my own dcrs and stuff... on v26 phpretro. Cheeers for looking! :D :D
  17. AndrewMck

    PhpRetro EMU?

    it was MUS PORT Got done done x) thx for help. CLOSE THREAD?
  18. AndrewMck

    PhpRetro EMU?

    Maybe DCRS or somthing anyone got any pre hosted see if problem??
  19. AndrewMck

    Ubercms Problem(s)

    ik i did somthing now theres the bg of snow idk :L
  20. AndrewMck

    PhpRetro EMU?

    they are errrrmm is there an offical phpretro emu?