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  1. B

    MySQL Error

    5.6.31 1585869633 Yes and yes 1585870197 Yes and yes 1585880222 Now I'm using a BrainCMS but I still get a error.. Warning: PDO::__construct(): Server sent charset (255) unknown to the client. Please, report to the developers in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\system\app\classes\class.db.php on line 7...
  2. B

    MySQL Error

    1585830728 So I need to delete (if it is possible) the newer versions?
  3. B

    MySQL Error

    Hello, I am setting up a Habbo retro with IIS with a CMS (R63) and DB that I had 4 years ago. I think almost everything is good but I have one problem: MySQL Engine - Pepper Hotel: MySQL could not connect to host I did check my config.php a lot but it is good. Is there someone that can...