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    Holo CMS ''HELP''

    Well I need Help With The SQL Password I do not know where to find it? I tryed ''Password'' but it wont work and i know the user name is root i already got the the emulator and everthing. The password is suppost to link to the user name ''Root'', but is there anywhere i could find this password?
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    Help With Php Retro

    Well I have everything phpretro 4.0.10 stable im stuck on the Holograph emulator and with the Visual C 2010 thing how do i do it? cause im not sure im a noob on this. also if you can, could anyone help me with this on teamveiwer???
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    I need help my RP Php Retro :D

    I got the Rastlulz Rp Retro Pack for php retros but i got Tortise Svn And Xampp Ect. Idk What to do know :S Im a Noob In this thing , its my first time . So Please comment on help and thank you. I will also include a Owner spot on the hotel , for the person or group to help me . :D! Happy Saints...