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  1. W


    Hello guys, I'm getting this error and I've tried installing Helicon Ape, .NET Extensibility, but it doesn't seem to do the job. I've also checked my config files in wwwroot, they're all fine but I get this errors: Sorry if there's an obvious fix for this, I just couldn't figure it...
  2. W

    [Release] RevCMS Habbo style Online Users page

    Hello DevBest, I don't know if this has been released by anyone before, so I decided to just release the one I had. NOTE: This is pretty much the staff page edited, I know. <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">...
  3. W

    [HELP] My UberCMS tabs don't change

    Hi guys, I'm trying to change my ubercms tabs colors, I've tried replacing the tabs images in the images folder, tried through site_navi & generic-top.tpl but it don't seem to be working :S anyone know another way to do it? Thanks in advance =]
  4. W

    Error - Index of/

    Hi guys, I'm kind of a n0b, so I don't know what I've done wrong. I'm setting up a hotel on Localhost, this is what comes up when I go on localhost, anyone help meh? ;3