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  1. Wikipedia

    Fake grapefruit from Otaku around

    Well i've sure noticed that there is an fake grapefruit around check this screenshot which the real grapefruit posted around on Otaku-studios: Well the fail-spellings says enough and the way of that The real grapefruit won't really care that he's otaku that he would be like on Devbest...
  2. Wikipedia

    Some questions for IndigoCMS

    Well i've got an problem because i really like the CMS it's the bom but there are some complaints because there are certaint files missing: Staff Admin panel Settings page Wut about it?
  3. Wikipedia

    Introduction I'm back

    Yes i whas gone for just 11 days and i went to Gran Canaria spain it whas fun there because i've saw the following things: Airplane pic's. They also have glasses seller's that push you around to buy glasses or watches so im gonna put here more soon as i can because i have to place then...
  4. Wikipedia

    Dirty Sanchez - Bangkok Roulette

    3:45 the most grosest part when they drink the fat out of someone elses body Actually almost threw up
  5. Wikipedia

    [VID] Chimp Beats Human: Intelligence Test

    This one is from the video Apes will rise i really want to see this one it's the same that they said that aliens will run the world
  6. Wikipedia

    Introduction Ohai thar persons

    Ohai thar devest ohai sidewalk ohai troll that's gonna troll people Well just saying hai everyone