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  1. MrPoopy

    Minecraft Logo

    I'm sorry sir you're not good at it at all I suggest you uninstall photoshop ASAP.
  2. MrPoopy

    Minecraft Logo

    I'm sorry but this is a really terrible GFX design. Looks like you did it with paint.
  3. MrPoopy

    [Best CMS] Blue (Known as Blue code) Mysqli,Mysql CMS From Scratch [1.0.0]

    Using an array for the MySql connection would look much professional and cleaner, and more noob friendly.
  4. MrPoopy

    [Release] RevCMS IMPORTANT Exploit Fix!

    Shouldnt of released a fix, community doesnt deserve it as its fulled with idiots who bask in their own self righteousness.
  5. MrPoopy

    [Development] SimpleCMS v2.0

    Good development, can't wait to see its completion.
  6. MrPoopy

    HabboWarfare [RP] [DEVELOPMENT]

    that looks even worse.... your use of threading to handle a team deathmatch game? Even the way you utilize the thread is terrible, good luck on your memory leaks moron.
  7. MrPoopy

    HabboWarfare [RP] [DEVELOPMENT]

    Code snippet of team deathmatch looks horrendous!
  8. MrPoopy

    Daily Updated - AstroRP2 / Plus Addons

    Ew.. what the hell is this? Looks like you just got someone elses work, and pasted it on here, without even properly evaluating it. Firstly learn to give credit where it is due, secondly, what on earth is this? if (RoomID == null) Um? Where is the RoomID variable? It isnt defined? And what the...