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  1. HabWorld

    Shockwave [~] [~] 24/7 online [~] Oldskool [~]

    Hello there, I am inviting y'all to come and play HabWorld! Now you might think "Wait... what is HabWorld?". Well, I'm going to take you on a tour thru this virtual hangout for teens. Hotel History HabWorld was founded by Stefano a few days ago. His goal is to bring the Oldskool times back by...
  2. HabWorld

    [HELP] Holograph Emulator

    Haven't got any, my emulator just closes with the error message above.
  3. HabWorld

    [HELP] Holograph Emulator

    Hi Devbest, I'm busy setting up an Oldskool V26 Habbo retro using PHPRetro. I've configured and installed everything, but when I'm trying to start Holograph Emulator, I get the following error: How can I solve this? My retro is VPS hosted on a Windows Web Edition server. Thanks a lot!