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  1. americanandproud.

    happy 4th of july

    thank you very much
  2. americanandproud.

    happy 4th of july

    god told gorge washingington and he then named it usa
  3. americanandproud.

    happy 4th of july

    on this day 2000 years ago the greatest country in the world was made by god himself and he named it america. happy forth of july!
  4. americanandproud.

    how to be a gator hunter

    1 get yourself a bote 2 get yourself a gun 2 go in the marsh in your bote 2 find a gator shoot her pull her in your bote 2 take the gator make a slit on her and pull till the skins off 2 sell the gator skin 2 keep or eat the gator meat