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  1. Aspiree

    Service Are you in need of a logo ?

    I'm so sorry about the delay with these logos , I've been busy before Christmas with college work etc and then Christmas and I'm going away tomorrow to Scotland for New Year so I wont have time before I go. I will do all the logos requested when I'm back from Scotland and I am really SORRY for...
  2. Aspiree

    Service Are you in need of a logo ?

    What do you mean ? 'Could you create me another one , same style but with witch xmas style ?
  3. Aspiree

    Service Are you in need of a logo ?

    Thanks for the feedback :D Hows this ?
  4. Aspiree

    Service Are you in need of a logo ?

    Thankyou @TruCluez , I appreciate all the feedback I am getting from everyone :)
  5. Aspiree

    Service Are you in need of a logo ?

    Thanks @KavoosiC , If you need any more let me know :)
  6. Aspiree

    Coca Cola Machine

    Glad to hear :D
  7. Aspiree

    Coca Cola Machine

    Nice release , Keep up the great work ! :D
  8. Aspiree

    Service Are you in need of a logo ?

    Hows this ? :D
  9. Aspiree

    [Service] User Bar Sig.

    Text 1: Aspiree Test 2: DevBest Background : Any background as long as it looks good :D Thanks in advance :P
  10. Aspiree

    Service Are you in need of a logo ?

    No Problem , Glad I could help you :D If you want anymore just let me know.
  11. Aspiree

    [Release]SimpleCMS v1.0

    Great job Lucas , I'm sure a lot of people will use this :D
  12. Aspiree

    Thoughts on my first few banners?

    These banners are great :D Try adding a Black Stroke around the Volter Text to make it stand out more :P
  13. Aspiree

    Feedback My first ever made Banner!

    This is a good a banner for a first try , Maybe add a black and white border around the banner , If you're not sure what I mean then check my banner service , I have a few examples of my banners on there. Keep practicing and trying new effects out etc :D
  14. Aspiree

    Service Custom Logos

    Thanks @Cheer. I'm glad it's just not me that thinks there the same :D
  15. Aspiree

    Service Are you in need of a logo ?

    Sorry about that :P
  16. Aspiree

    Service Are you in need of a logo ?

    Are these ok ? :)
  17. Aspiree

    [Feedback] Graphics

    No Problem , I always learn from my positive and negative feedback :D
  18. Aspiree

    [Release] REVCMS Custom Index!

    I like this index , well done and I hope you release more in the future :D
  19. Aspiree

    Feedback My first banner!

    This is good for your first banner , Keep practising :D
  20. Aspiree

    Service Are you in need of a logo ?

    Please be more specific. :p