Username: euphoricneckbear - (the d wouldn't fit) ;)
Server Region: EUW
Main Lane (e.g - top, bot, mid, jungle): Top, mid or jungle depending on what isn't called
Main Champion (Who do you mainly play?): Zed, Yasuo, Udyr, Jax
Main Gamemode (ARAM, Normal 5v5, Ranked): 5 v 5
Ranked Status (if...
Just a little helpful hint if you don't use the adder, turismo or entity and use other expensive cars such as the Z-Type, Cheetah etc. you'll get full price every time.
I personally find it weird and unnecessary however I've never done it so I don't know how it could benefit people. If you're still doing it I'd encourage you to stop and try talk to somebody about it.
Social club nickname: connrlol
Rank: 40 something was literally just on and I've forgotten
Gamertag: connrl0l
Why you should be let in the club: Quite good at driving and gunfights, pretty active and yeah.