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  1. ProGamers

    [Help] Xampp Problems

    Sorted it guys. I had wrong xampp version. 1.7.3 works fine!.
  2. ProGamers

    [Help] Xampp Problems

    Hello There, I'm creating a new Roleplay hotel for everyone and I'm having a little bit of trouble with xampp. I'm getting this when i try to go to my RP "" PrntScr: and I've tried everything, new cms the lot. I want to test out my new EMU...
  3. ProGamers

    [RP] Roleplay CMS for r63 [R]

    I never said I made it up. I'm helping them.
  4. ProGamers

    [RP] Roleplay CMS for r63 [R]

    This depends on the Emulator you're using. RainduckRP/Reality may not work. Codes such as; ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `ip_last` INT(11); Needs to be SQL'd into the db for register to work. Make sure you're using the correct db aswell. I can't help you guys anymore. Good Luck -