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  1. B

    Nyan cat man! DAMN FUNNY!

    LOOOOOOOOLLLLL, I did the actual game for like 12 hours then I was like fuck it. I dies when I saw this! poptart!
  2. B

    New psp

    It's gonna suck balls. anyone who buys it, wrong choice , in my opinion. :) don't buy noobs
  3. B

    Happy Birthday, sir.

    happy birth day RastaLULZ
  4. B

    [ONLINE] Project Blackout [RPG]

    samething as I'll join later.
  5. B


    If you're still buying it now, the firmware is up 2 date. The newest jailbreak can be found HERE
  6. B

    Sports Who Will Win The NBA Final's :O
