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  1. Nutty


    Got an apple device? Need some quick bucks? This is actually real, I've gotten $5 via PayPal from this! Download apps and play them for a minute, delete them and earn points in which you can buy PayPal money, Amazon Cars, iTunes Cards, etc! Going to sign up? Sign up here! Helps...
  2. Nutty

    Rate the signature above you.

    Okay so this how it works, rate the person that posted before you. (Only post again if you get a new signature. Rate out of 10 I will go first, rate mine.
  3. Nutty

    Respects/Scratches a day

    I need to know the SQL, for giving users 3 respects, and 3 scratches everyday. Phoenix 3.11.0, RevCMS
  4. Nutty

    Top BG

    how to change up at the very top RevCMS, Habbo Theme, have tried everything can't find the image.. and what is the image for index logo
  5. Nutty


    how to get the version where it looks like this but users furni like this without starting from scartch, I remember seeing like a SQL to run or something.
  6. Nutty

    Exception Saved.

    Made a new DB. Loaded hotel. In EMU it said Exception Saved. Went to error logs saw this about 10 times 9/2/2013 8:16:49 AM: Error: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)...
  7. Nutty


    I have NO IDEA on how to set a proxy IP on my VPS. some kids trying to boot my VPS, please help? i have open if needed
  8. Nutty


    uhm I followed this and I get this
  9. Nutty

    Exception saved

    Was working until I changed MOTD and restarted the EMU. Already did the enable_securesessions thing. help.
  10. Nutty


    Downgrading from R63B due to it being BUGGY. Using Phoenix EMU. Getting hotelview. EMU Config.php ## Phoenix 3.0 System Configuration File ## Licence Information username=HabNut password=LOL #Otaku-Studios.username= #Otaku-Studios.password= ## MySQL Configuration db.hostname=localhost...
  11. Nutty


    This guy came on to when i asked for help. He had NO CLUE what he was doing but i followed since he attempted. This is my hotels devbest account so I unfollowed him and i get this message. good gooing @Syntax
  12. Nutty

    Request R63B HotelView

    We are requesting a hotelview with our hotel logo on it in a summer theme, as it is r63b we would like the character/avatar to be stood on the beach. Hotel logo: Thanks, HabNut Hotel
  13. Nutty

    Feedback HELP

    we have like 3 banners with bubbles for users online, we have no clue on how to make it say it.
  14. Nutty


    I use revCMS, and a 1 gb VPS. We already portfowarded the site and swfs but wont let us connect to emu/db. So we need to enbale some ports through firewall correct? which ports again? 80? 30000? 30001?
  15. Nutty

    Tab Colors

    I am using kylevonnies edit on habbo theme, i want to change a few tabs to red. How do i do it?
  16. Nutty

    R63B SWF's I need to know

    I need to know how to change the logo on the loading screen and the catalog. If you can help please let me know! :D
  17. Nutty

    Error in BcStorm

    trying to make a room in client and get a error BcStorm says
  18. Nutty

    DB Error

    Im using NaviCat and i just ran the R63B SQL KyleVonnie put in his tutorial. When i try and register i get this Table 'test.users' doesn't exist would i use the seckey SQL or a different one? HELP <3 @RedRain
  19. Nutty

    IIS 7 issue

    Following KyleVonnie's tutorial and i get this error on his tut i should see habbo theme at the step im at. my web.config is just like his. I followed it PERFECTLY
  20. Nutty


    so i used KyleVonnie web.config I am using RevCMS R63B SQL and getting this error my web.config <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration> <system.webServer> <rewrite> <rules> <rule...