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  1. D

    DDos protection

    install IIS? lol
  2. D

    [Help]I Need a good db, and advice please read![Help]

    thanks buddy, im going to try this other uber emu out and db if it dosent work ill just use this. (probabaly end up useing it xD) oh and btw how can i no if ur trusted? you may be the owner of frsh hotel but more then likey to add somthing in posibly a keylogger.. i dunno these days you have...
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    [Help]I Need a good db, and advice please read![Help]

    I need a emu O.o recomend one? Must be uber< and Thanks Muscab for all your help!
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    [Help]I Need a good db, and advice please read![Help]

    I need a compatable uberemu for that.. dont mind giving another link?
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    [PHX] How do I give myself rank 7? [HELP]

    go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin Click on the users table, and you will see a list of users. If not, just your user. - You will see a pencil or a red 'X', click on the pencil to edit your rank/user info... - Your users informaiton will load, and you should see stuff like how many credits you...
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    [Help]I Need a good db, and advice please read![Help]

    Delet this post! Tyvm ;d Dw, i fixed my issue gone with phoenix. Uber for me? = Dead, BUY UBER! ;D