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  1. B

    Emulator Error

    3/13/2014 10:45:56 PM: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at GoldTree.HabboHotel.Users.Inventory.InventoryComponent..ctor(UInt32 uint_1, GameClient class16_1, UserDataFactory class12_0) in c:\Users\JayMa_000\Desktop\Emulator\Gold Tree Emulator...
  2. B

    VPS thinks all IP's are VPS ip

    Now it won't let me connect to the emulator or anything.
  3. B

    VPS thinks all IP's are VPS ip

    I fixed that, I just can't connect, are you willing to go onto teamviewer or Join me
  4. B

    VPS thinks all IP's are VPS ip

    yes, for a long time
  5. B

    VPS thinks all IP's are VPS ip

    3/13/2014 1:02:08 AM: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Table 'habshackdb.items_jukebox_songs' doesn't exist at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket() at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.GetResult(Int32& affectedRow, Int64& insertedId) at...
  6. B

    Emulator Error

    My Emulator thinks that every IP is the VPS IP. It shows up on the emulator. the only time I can get on without D/Cing is if I go in on VPS. 3/12/2014 10:30:30 PM: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at...
  7. B

    VPS thinks all IP's are VPS ip

    My Emulator thinks that every IP is the VPS IP. It shows up on the emulator. the only time I can get on without D/Cing is if I go in on VPS. 3/12/2014 10:30:30 PM: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at...
  8. B

    Emulator Error

    Now it Loads to the hotel view then D/C's
  9. B

    Emulator Error

    Yes, It was even working yesterday
  10. B

    Emulator Error

    I ran old copy of database, still doesn't work!
  11. B

    Emulator Error

    yes /* Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : localhost Source Server Version : 50516 Source Host : localhost:3306 Source Database : phx Target Server Type : MYSQL Target Server Version : 50516 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2012-03-24 17:16:57 */ SET...
  12. B

    Emulator Error

    63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/2406 I changed it to the proxy last night, and it worked fine. Then I added the shop.
  13. B

    Emulator Error

    Thats not it, I am up to date.
  14. B

    Emulator Error

    I added a proxy last night as well, but that was working fine
  15. B

    Emulator Error

    3/12/2014 10:39:13 AM: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at GoldTree.HabboHotel.Users.Inventory.InventoryComponent..ctor(UInt32 uint_1, GameClient class16_1, UserDataFactory class12_0) in c:\Users\Joni\Gold-Tree-Emulator\Gold Tree Emulator...
  16. B

    Client Error

  17. B

    Client Error

    But you reminded me to put IP in the client as I removed the {server_ip} so it couldn't pick up on it :p Thanks. PLEASE CLOSE THREAD
  18. B

    Client Error

    lol... My IP is there, Just not posting it...
  19. B

    Client Error

    I am using Gold Tree EMU, there is no error on the emulator, but It tries to load the client and then D/C's...
  20. B

    planning to go to US

    I would Fly into Baltimore Washington International, Then I would Explore Washington D.C. and Go sight seeing, then I would take a day bus to New York and/or Philadelphia Those have a lot to do, and they are all close to each other.