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  1. seanxhackerx

    Zap Hotel Butterfly emu edit! Help

    I got Screen shots of everything Below I got this emu thinking it would work for my retro But i tryed it and i have a problem. with it , and it told me where the problem might be but i dont no what im looking at so hopeing you guys can help thanks - sean :)
  2. seanxhackerx

    plus Emu Not working?

    thanks anyways guys not working i think someone put the wrong config file in there. MOD close please ~ Close thread please ~
  3. seanxhackerx

    plus Emu Not working?

    ok ill try that :)
  4. seanxhackerx

    plus Emu Not working?

    ill Show you config. and emu i think i put pictures Down below im new. i got this emu it was on google So? i Dont Know, Just trying to fix it so i can try n use it I editted the config right, and everything put in the db from the emu in phpmyadmin and still not working. can someone...
  5. seanxhackerx

    I Need Help To Port Forward My retro (netgear dgn2200)

    thanks i got it working Thanks Roon for your help :)
  6. seanxhackerx

    I Need Help To Port Forward My retro (netgear dgn2200)

    ok thanks man ill see if it works ;) Tryed it never worked can you post up pictures or something that might be better thanks - sean
  7. seanxhackerx

    I Need Help To Port Forward My retro (netgear dgn2200)

    my retro is running hamachi right now? i tryed to port it with the port's 3306 80 30000 30001, never worked?, "i dont know what im doing wrong" i followed a tut from *****. never worked. so thinking i would come here and hope you guys can help me. i'm New on here So if i don't have...