Search results

  1. Kanebrah

    [REL] Fresh Server [R63, Pre Shuffle, C#]

    Fresh Server - R63 Pre Shuffle, C# This Emulator served us on Fresh for many, many years and was proven to hold over 2,000 users online with no lag at all. It's features are too numerous to list, and we have no clean database for it. If you want to construct a hotel with this server, start...
  2. Kanebrah

    #6th spot

    Just curious to why the french hotel is not suspended yet, they have over taken most of all the english hotels which struggled to gain there position. I recommend you make a diffrent topsite like or and chuck in the nubs there.
  3. Kanebrah

    Extremely horny women

    you fucking horny bastard
  4. Kanebrah

    French Spot This hotel has seem to by flying past all the english hotels, past few days and was wondering if french servers were allowed a position at
  5. Kanebrah


  6. Kanebrah

    Fresh suspended?

    Whats the reason?
  7. Kanebrah

    suu stupid

  8. Kanebrah

    swedish blonde or a latino bitch

  9. Kanebrah

    the bold guy on the logo is looking at me

    stop him plz i feel very insecure
  10. Kanebrah


    INSERT INTO `furniture` (`id`, `public_name`, `item_name`, `type`, `width`, `length`, `stack_height`, `can_stack`, `can_sit`, `is_walkable`, `sprite_id`, `allow_recycle`, `allow_trade`, `allow_marketplace_sell`, `allow_gift`, `allow_inventory_stack`, `interaction_type`...
  11. Kanebrah

    [SQL/SWF] Blue Petal Patch [SQL/SWF]

    INSERT INTO `catalog_items` (`id`, `page_id`, `item_ids`, `catalog_name`, `cost_credits`, `cost_pixels`, `cost_snow`, `amount`) VALUES (300080, 94, '300080', 'Blue petal Patch', 5, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `furniture` (`id`, `public_name`, `item_name`, `type`, `width`, `length`, `stack_height`...
  12. Kanebrah

    Thehabbos not letting my dedi vote?

    Hello There past 24hours, no one could vote, neither can i access on the server, so i think i got blocked. Username : Muscab
  13. Kanebrah

    How Much ram does your server Consume?

  14. Kanebrah

    Favorite Music Video?

    I choose this in particular because its a hard song ofcourse and i can listen to it all day, i have no reason why :) check it out!
  15. Kanebrah

    CMS Support

    Getting ridd of ubercms account/policy-verify, When new users register, and go to the welcome page, they are forced to enter a phrase, well no issue with the English players, but foreigners, i was thinking, if anyone knew how to get ridd of it, so that it would just take them to /me
  16. Kanebrah

    What's your server's specs?

  17. Kanebrah

    [3] Win a Minecraft Account [3]

    What was the previous Habbo Retro i ran for 5 Months? Everyone who takes part will have there username enterd in a online randomize machine, and the username that pops up will win
  18. Kanebrah

    Your Favorite Music Video

  19. Kanebrah

    [2] Win a Minecraft Account [2]

    Guess My Favorite Female Singer!