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  1. C

    [HELP] VPS Hosting

    I know what the problem is, add my skype. kenzie.fuckyou123
  2. C

    Client Error

    I cant see what the error is but, I`m using a cracked emu because I dont know how to download from because the site is down, I have bought a phoenix license..
  3. C

    Client Error

    How do I check what the exception is?
  4. C

    Client Error

    I start up my emulator and everything goes fine until, I try to connect to the client once I try to get on to the client it goes to the hotel view & and doesnt load the rest of it.. but when I look on to the emulator it says `Exception has been saved` I don`t know what the means... or how to fix...
  5. C

    I have a questions *IMPORTANT*

    I already had it reset, so he said no more for awhile, so theres no other way i can fix it?
  6. C

    I have a questions *IMPORTANT*

    Hello, Devbest. My hotel got defaced yesterday I tried uninstalling IIS, and reinstalling it. And it still goes to the defacement page, I tried looking for where he hid it, is there anyone i can actually find it, and re-make the retro? Thanks, I really need a reply guys, CitrusHotel
  7. C

    Most of the users can get on the client, and some cant?

    So, i just opened my hotel. 5 people can access the client, then the other half of the users cannot enter the client, including me? Why is this happening?
  8. C

    Redirection error = strange?

    Im on my vps trying to make my retro, when i come across a client error, it went to /me everytime i loaded the client, now i changed the fatal error thing to /client now before it loads, it keeps doing /client before i can go into the hotel -.- basically keeps reloading. Ill give you a founder...