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  1. R4ST4

    PHPRetro Header

    the colour of the tab you can change at the tabs located in web-gallery/images/v2/images/ and the the tabs
  2. R4ST4

    [HELP] Planning a trip on the East coast of the U.S.

    or just have a visit by me in the netherlands/amsterdam the place where people from other countrys come
  3. R4ST4

    PHPRetro Header

    Then the problem might be the customizing, you shouldnt do that though but if you do try to not do it wrong
  4. R4ST4

    PHPRetro Header

    Well then just reinstall phpretro and it should be fixed for now or as i hope it for you
  5. R4ST4

    [RP] Space CMS v1.0 [RP]

    well it doesent really improve me for now but i wish you best of luck with this developement hopefully will you add some more then just images and colours
  6. R4ST4

    PHPRetro Header

    Yes, you have obviously, changed things in community_header, you should copy a file from winrar of header and replace and look what you are gonna remove the next time
  7. R4ST4

    Should i Re-Open My OldSkool?

    I know right z00m but somebody, reported his posts already so he'l be infracted really soon