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  1. Ensidia

    Changing Ip?

    How can I change my ip in a easy cheap way
  2. Ensidia

    How can I change my ip?

    What is the easiest way for me to change my Ip Address, with out buying a new computer or spending alot of money I have a router btw..
  3. Ensidia

    GTA SA Error

    When Launching Samp I get these two errors when trying to enter a game on my Windows 7 Laptop I'm able to play it just fine! but on this laptop these are the two errors I get. I was going to uninstall .net Framework but it's installed in my operating system it want let me do it from control...
  4. Ensidia

    Phoenix Emulator 3.11 HELP

    Everything is connected as far as i can see, if i change the clients Ip to it works but takes me to white disconnect screen, i'm portforwarding so for my clients ip im using my ip but emu isnt responding at all when i use my ip for client ip
  5. Ensidia

    Need Good Room Designers for Hotel

    Pm me , I'll send you link to the hotel from there! My hotel really new good cms, super good furni! just need room designers
  6. Ensidia


    My hotel has a great Cataloge, everything All I need is a VPS, could some one help me if so Offering Co-Owner or any rank, the vps i have in mind is only 12 dollars
  7. Ensidia

    DOWNfll Catalogue, Furniture want load!

    I did everything right?
  8. Ensidia

    Wtf? is this shit

    when i go to It gives me error and idk why?! wtf do i do
  9. Ensidia

    Need a R63 Updated DCR Pack

    Please help!
  10. Ensidia

    Wierd Error?

    Does this mean my Emulator is runing, and working fine or is there a problem also where can i find some r63b dcrs, i'm using Bc Storm
  11. Ensidia

    Needing Good R63 DCRS,

    Also a quick question does anyone still use phoenix 1.7.3 Emulator? if not can some one give me a link to a emulator compatible with phoenix database?
  12. Ensidia

    R63 Updated Good Dcrs?

    Could anyone give me the link to and updated Dcr pack, with some good furniture or any help would be cool.
  13. Ensidia

    Anyone help me with this problem?

    Well, I wanted to know how I could make a r63 Rp hotel, i've made and r63 regular hotel before , and a v26 rp hotel before but idk how to make and r63 rp, can some one make a tutorial, or pm me with the links to a cms an emulator.. Thanks!
  14. Ensidia

    Flagged Connection [1] as free Emulator?

    I'm using Xoa Emulator by Jammy, I keep getting this Error when trying to enter my hotel, Heres screenshot if it's because of the DCRS or w.e this is and Rp hotel btw, could you possibally provide me or link me to some if you cant just list why it's doing this thanks!