Search results

  1. Leroy

    Habbo SWF Scripts: RELEASE63-201211221134-625808585

    Hey DevBest! I'm proud to present my second release of all Habbo AS3 in one file. This release contains: A text file with all Habbo ActionScript in it. If you use these scripts to gather packet structures or for any other purpose, it's appreciated if you give me some credits. Download
  2. Leroy

    Habbo SWF Scripts: RELEASE63-201211282304-772158650

    Hey guys! I'm proud to present to you my first release! I hope you guys like it. You can use this to get packet structures and headers. This release contains the scripts of the Habbo.SWF all in ONE file. This is useful as you can use Notepad or even your browser to check every single class at...
  3. Leroy

    Getting Packet IDs and Structures from SWF

    Hey DevBest! I have a question that's always stumped me! How do you get Packet IDs and Structures from SWF source code? I search [4000], etc. But HOW do I differentiate from say a "LOGIN" packet and an "INITSYSTEM", etc.