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    [VID] Who said biking isn't cool?

    Damn, biking isn't cool, JUST JOKING!!! LMAO!!
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    Gamerecords : LOGO

    I would like someone to make a logo for my 'company' called gamerecords used for game reviews. If anyone is interested, mail me, pm me or reply to this thread Your Sincerely Dutchgamer, Founder of Gamerecords
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    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I played oblivion for pc, hope skyrim will come for ps3, and i'm excited to :P
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    Introduction Sup

    I bet i will
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    Introduction Sup

    haha, thanks all, and yeah i geuss you will be seeing me a lot more :D
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    Introduction Sup

    I'm dutchgamer good to see you all, and you might have noticed my name but i'm from holland :P
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    PS3,Wii, or Xbox360

    PS3 for me, once played on Xbox but yeah ps3 was more familiar for me and Buzzybee, geuss you was mad with your ps3, because i got it the month it came out and mine is still working really well. Almost all games have the same graphics but ofcourse some developers choose to make it for one of...