Search results

  1. J

    [REVCMS] this template?

    Does anyone have the template these sites are using? can't find it anywhere.. I'm wanting this specific one because of the online page & extra features.
  2. J

    [REQ] Phoenix 3.11 server

    Does anyone have a working download link for the Phoenix 3.11 server? I've tried searching for a valid link but the only one so far is 3.12 and I don't want to risk using that as it's a 3.11 database I'm using. The current 3.11 EMU I have is the one from EpicHosts but they don't the original...
  3. J

    REVCMS Online Users

    I'm currently using REVCMS with Phoenix on my r63 hotel, however on the r63b hotel with the same script I've noticed the "3 Online" box on each page is correct (as their is actually 2 people online according to the online page How do I make it more accurate?
  4. J

    Mercury EMU

    I can't get the EMU to work anyway. and the PlusEMU doesn't want the client to connect to the database either (see other thread).
  5. J

    Mercury EMU

    Before I switched to my current r63b files, yes I did. ## Mercury Emulator System Configuration File ## Must be edited for the server to work ## MySQL Configuration db.hostname=localhost db.port=3306 db.username=root db.password=passwordhere ## MySQL pooling setup (controls...
  6. J

    r63b black client / swfs

    Hey. I tried both the default Habbo.swf & the replacement I was told to use, to no joy.. at the top of the EMU before the connection to the database it says: Release63-201401301855-255051757 head dev: akllx Which is part of the error shown in the EMU, how do I get hold of that?
  7. J

    r63b black client / swfs

    I'm hoping to upgradein the near future to r63b. and the only emu I've tried so far only this one works: Sadly, even after replacing Habbo.swf with the new one provided the client still displays a black screen...
  8. J

    Mercury EMU

    Hi guys, I'm hoping to upgrade to an r63b hotel in the near future, but on my spare vps where I'm testing one for the past hour now i've tried different downloads of Mercury EMU 2.3 & 2.2.5, and each time it times out.. It remains on the following content for a good 5-10 minutes before it...
  9. J

    [Release] RevCMS IMPORTANT Exploit Fix!

    Brings me a white page.
  10. J

    [REVCMS] Staff pages

    Hi guys. I'm wanting to create seperate pages for each staff department (A admin page, Mod page & so on) but the pages keep showing each rank still on each page.. How do I get it so that it only displays one group for each page? I've attached the phpcode for it below <div id="container">...
  11. J

    Recruiting Bobba - recruiting

    Bobba sounds nothing like Babbo.
  12. J

    Recruiting Bobba - recruiting

    Inboxed you.
  13. J

    Recruiting Bobba - recruiting

    inbox me for it.
  14. J

    Recruiting Bobba - recruiting

    Hi guys, I'm the owner of, a brand new online gaming platform coming to a screen near you in the upcoming few hours. I won't bore you saying why we are better than the other hotels, lets face it every single hotel is the same. However, Bobba aims to be more unique, for instance...
  15. J

    VPS Specs

    Hi guys, Looking to create a new r63/r63b retro, it's been awhile since I last created one so I'm just wondering if the following specs will be okay for a small community retro which can hold upto 50 connections without lag? The server will be xznetworks hosted.
  16. J

    Flash ★ Hubbo Hotel ★ R63B ★ Latest UI ★ Stable Emulator ★ Custom CMS ★

    I've joined it. looks like a very good hotel with massive potential if correctly managed. :}
  17. J

    Flash extraHabbo - Extra is what we do!

    Not keen on the name, but good luck!
  18. J

    Hiding Catalogue Page.

    I made a new group id 8, and highered it upto 8, but it is still viewable.
  19. J

    Hiding Catalogue Page.

    Hi guys, For some reason, When updating the catalogue_pages database in navicat so it disables certain catalogues (such as the easter page for example) & use the :update_catalogue function, it doesn't hide the page but rather just makes the page unclickable.. is there a working way of fixing...
  20. J

    [REVCMS] ASE Problem I opened the file news.php up and changes the ase/news2 link to ase/index.php?do=news2 and it appears to work now.