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  1. P

    [Picture] Ry pedo face!

    wow lol youre all hyperating on the cam nice omfg
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    Rasta Rp Emulator

    alright you need help with it il help
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    Show DevBest User login and register script

    Well the explanation wil be taking long lol. and im really lazy atm
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    Show DevBest User login and register script

    wel its python and this is not an tutorials its an release of some scripts of python i made
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    Show DevBest User login and register script

    print 'You have successfully logged in!' #Published by Pro123 import hashlib, time #User database, updated on runtime database = {} # Returns an encrypted string def encrypt(string): crypt = hashlib.sha512() crypt.update(string) return crypt.hexdigest() #First...
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    Show DevBest Simple Python Python Compiler

    #81ack Interface (C) Under the LGPL license v3 <> import sys try: import py_compile except ImportError: print 'ERROR: py_compile module not found...' sys.exit(0) else: print 'Imported module py_compile...' try: import...
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    Show DevBest Calculator in C

    thats kinda what i tryd to say on this post but thanks for feedback sir.
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    Show DevBest [Python] IRC Bot

    Thank you and yes i now did sir
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    Show DevBest [Python] IRC Bot

    import socket import thread import time import sys import re class IRCBot: class IRCMessage: def __init__(self, rawdata, mesreg): try: self.raw = rawdata #self.regexmatch = mesreg.match(rawdata) self.regexmatch = None...
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    Show DevBest [C++] Get Kernel32 Base Address

    typedef HINSTANCE__ * (__stdcall *LoadLibrary_)(wchar_t *); int wmain() { LoadLibrary_ _LoadLibrary = NULL; DWORD dwBaseAddress = 0; _asm { xor ebx, ebx mov ebx, fs:[ 0x30 ] mov ebx, [ ebx + 0x0C ] mov ebx...
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    Show DevBest The Glide Code.

    Hello many of you may be wondering what is the glide code. I can explain you this. IN windows 98/95/or SE The Password you enter is saved in the C:\windows directory in the *.pwl file. So if you open that file you get a encrypted mode. To decrypt it I had made my own c code...
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    Show DevBest Undetectable PORT SCANNER

    Hello.Everyone may be having a question in their mind that how to create a PORT SCANNER[undetectable]. Here;s the script which is created by me. Hello this is a port scanner which is very difficult to detect. *Warning = This is only for teaching purpose,PLEASE DO NOT MISUSE.I will not...
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    Show DevBest [Code Snippet] Generic TryParse

    This is a re-post of an article I originally posted on my website. Please note that this is a code snippet, not a tutorial. It doesn't explain what the code does since I assume you are smart enough to work that out for yourself (it's pretty basic code tbh). Introduction Recently I've been...
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    Show DevBest [C] Factorial function

    Yes, another silly function. This time it finds the factorial of a number. factorial(number); long factorial(long x) { long factorial = x; long i = 0; for (i = (x - 1); i > 1; --i) { factorial = (factorial * i); } return factorial; }
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    Show DevBest [C][example] Stacks.

    Stacks are a certain way to handle an array. The best way to explain a stack is comparing it to a CD holder. Basically, you can either take one off the top or add one to the top, but you can not access the ones near the bottom without taking other ones off at first. I commented about...
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    Show DevBest C IRC bot skeleton

    Yes, it did and i wil be happy if you re-release it with youre edit it will be awsome goodluck with the develope.
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    Show DevBest Calculator in C

    Youre welcome i had tested it out so good luck with it
  18. P

    Show DevBest Calculator in C

    Hi SF, I made a little calculator, like Xenocide but in C and I made it like 3 weeks ago but here it is: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int equation, nombre1, nombre2, resultat, calculator=1; printf("Calculator in C by So.Liberty\n\n")...
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    Show DevBest C IRC bot skeleton

    Well, simply put I wrote this IRC bot 'skeleton' in C. It's still widely open for improvements, this is like a 'rough draft,' so to speak. I'm sharing this in hopes I could get some input and constructive criticism. Good or bad, all criticism is appreciated...anything that would help me improve...