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  1. T

    Getting REV to display 404 error messages for missing pages

    Create a file named 404.php , place it in your theme folder and you're done :)
  2. T

    Video Funny noises and faces Enjoy!
  3. T

    Roc CF [Coldfusion] [Phoenix/Uber]

    Will this be looked at as PhoenixCF 2 or will that be an own CMS?
  4. T

    Roc CF [Coldfusion] [Phoenix/Uber]

    This both sounds and looks awesome! Looking forward to follow this project :)
  5. T

    How Do i make my retro Public? *Client only Loads on VPS!*

    You may have to allow port 80 through your firewall
  6. T

    [tut] how to make a holocms hotel [tut]

    Where is this Config.php located? I'm stuck at this point.