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  1. P

    [REL] PhoenixEMU Manager - Management made easy!

    Enjoy! I thought it would be more popular hmm.. If people don't start showing interest, I will stop developing it. VERSION 1.1 BETA (comming soon): - Filter in chat-log (normal users, mods, etc.) - Filter in command-log (normal users, mods, etc.) - (MAYBE) Catalog Editor!
  2. P

    [REL] PhoenixEMU Manager - Management made easy!

    1) Yes - your Phoenix EMU must be running before you open this program. You must also be logged on your hotel already. 2) Yes, it will still show and it will be stored on your computer inside the program. You can just click stop and then start for a re-start.
  3. P

    Introduction Hi! I'm Mark!

    Of course I will And thank you!
  4. P

    Introduction Hi! I'm Mark!

    Hello, my name is Mark and I'm 17 years old! I'm new on devbest as you may see but I've been on various of other forums - working as a developer. I mostly do .NET because it's easy and uhm.. I've just always done it. I hope you'll give me a good start on here. Also, I've released a good...
  5. P

    [REL] PhoenixEMU Manager - Management made easy!

    Welcome to my first thread and release on DevBest! Let me present you.. PhoenixEMU Manager Uh.. What is this? This is a program that let you manage your server from a program running on your computer. You can control and view almost everything on your hotel and it's fast, easy and safe...