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  1. Corrections

    Recruiting Technician For RP Hotel [Paying $$]

    As title states. Skype: Exystant if interested. I will explain more on skype.
  2. Corrections

    Where can I buy TCP DDoS protection with paysafecard?

    I have searched, found nowhere. Hope you can help.
  3. Corrections

    Phoenix Issue

    Hi, Everything was working perfectly fine until I restarted my emulator. When I restarted my emulator, It kept saying ''Exception Saved''. Code: 5/10/2013 1:48:59 PM: Error: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at...
  4. Corrections

    [HELP] Emulator [HELP]

    Alright, so when I go and load the emu I get this: Any Idea why??? thanks.
  5. Corrections

    [HELP] R63 Hotel [HELP]

    Hello, When I load the client (With the Emu on) I Get this from the: EMU: Client: Any Ideas Why?
  6. Corrections

    [REQ] Signature [FREE]

    Well, Im after a Signature for my forum account.. Just Saying 'Corrections'... A Decent Size too..