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  1. C

    [James aka CrazyRP] Need a site with these features..[James aka CrazyRP]

    I need a site with these features..If any: MYSQL internal acces, PHP compatible, has a unique name, and that's about it.. Btw, not all sites are PHP compatible and/or html compatible.. If you have a site that I can have free, contact me at [email protected] please and thank you.
  2. C


    I'm tired of harrassment from every game I play. They just act tough and act as if they can do whatever they want by saying they know me.. you know my name? sure, you know my hotel? sure. But you do not know where I live or my phone number, so either just fk off, and take a hike, or learn...
  3. C

    Introduction :)

    Abbie go to dev's forum.php and you'll see people typing, click in the white box below it and type + press enter
  4. C

    Introduction :)

    Abbie, you're pretty. How old are you if I may ask? :P name is James, btw.
  5. C

    CMS error with Sled's CMS

    So, yeah here are the pictures, if you can help, ask me for tv id and pass in PM, to connect and help me fix this error, or tell me what is wrong..
  6. C

    MYSQL connector problem, rolling back action..

    Epic Fail, nothing is there at all. Not even a program of mysql is installedD: Also, it's not ODBC at all. It's net
  7. C

    MYSQL connector problem, rolling back action..

    Here is a few screenshots of it..