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    [TUT] How to make a UberCMS hotel r57/r59 [TUT]

    First off this isn't david's tutorial. It's my own tutorial from RZ. (adminf) @everybody else Thanks for the opinions. @Kimmern1000 Go into your database, press users, and edit your account, change the rank 1 to rank 7 and press save.
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    [HELP] Can't Sit On Sofa's/Chairs [EMU]

    I use Blah's emulator, but I can't seem to sit on sofas or chairs properly. Does anyone have a fix for it, and pet's make you disappear if anyone has a fix for that also. In desperate need of it because I get 80 users daily, and they are asking for it to be fixed. Thanks in advance!
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    Blah emulator

    thats probably your database or cms
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    Blah emulator

    I have the same problem also, so i just rotate it once or twice and i can sit on it.. but itst still annoying lol And I think i found the have to wait till it runs for 6hours before restarting hotel or you must save the hotel ingame before X out of the emulator to restart hotel
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    Wired Furniture & Battle Banzai

    Ahh i see..thats a hassle for the users do big hotels like Blah/Rain etc. do it, or do the users know to change there host file already ?
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    Wired Furniture & Battle Banzai

    I thought if you use habbo's swfs then everyone has to change there "host" file to make it public?
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    Wired Furniture & Battle Banzai

    Sup guys... I have the stuff added it's in the catalog and everything but it doesn't seem to work properally... Can anyone help me fix it? Really need help or atleast give me a detailed tutorial how to do it? Thanks in advance :)
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    Blah emulator

    Yeah i fixed it..and no its not my SWF's.... the furni loads you can see it etc. when u X out of emulator and restart it all furni deletes or disappears :S
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    [TUT] How to make a UberCMS hotel r57/r59 [TUT]

    Sup guys.. making a UberCMS Tutorial to help others understand better. Yes, i know there's others out there. Before we get started these are the list of things you will need throughout the tutorial: Xampp -Xampp WinRar -WinRar UberCMS -uberCMS Slaxxer's UberEMU v3-Slaxxer's Emulator...
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    Blah emulator

    I fixed blah emulator...only problem i have now is that, when users place furni in rooms or they have it in there hand and i was to restart the emulator... once it loads back up you visit the room there is no furniture in the room or hand anymore :S? anyone know fix i tried 2 different databases
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    Suggestions on Emu/CMS?

    I keep getting these damn bugs on my hotel.. idk if my cms that has bad exploits or my emulator but i changed my emulator and db several times and i get the same bug... i run emu for a couple of hours and then all the sudden something happens and when people try to enter hotel there account...
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    Blah emulator

    Hi..i have blah emulator and its set up correctly and connects but when i try to sign on to my hotel it d/c me do you know why? or does anyone have db for it?
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    [PHP] m0nsta. - Habbo Respect Generator

    Nicely done.. like it a lot can't wait for releases