Search results

  1. TreyChristopher

    Indigo and/or Sierra Emu

    I was just wondering if anyone had links to download the source of either Indigo or Sierra Emulators. I've been searching around forums for a few days now and can't find anything. I've been working with Java for a little while now and thought I might mess around with an emulator and see where I...
  2. TreyChristopher

    Habbo Flood Time

    You would have to open up the source of your emulator and edit it in as a permission. It's really the only way. Even if you set your flood time to 1 second, as soon as you start typing after flooding, you'll flood again.
  3. TreyChristopher

    [REQ] Website Design [REQ]

    Add me on Skype and we might be able to work something out. I'm good and don't charge much. My Skype name is pstrey
  4. TreyChristopher

    Small social network MySQL help

    Not exactly what I mean.. I'm trying to make a "news feed" type page for the homepage that will grab statuses from the status table ONLY if the person is friends with them.. but I want the users to be able to have hundreds of friends, so it wouldn't exactly work to say, "SELECT * FROM statuses...
  5. TreyChristopher

    Small social network MySQL help

    I'm creating a small Twitter-type script for a friend of mine and I can't quite figure out how to get it to only get updates from only your friends. I don't want to use something in the code to grab loads of statuses, then if user is friend etc.. because it would throw an odd amount of updates...