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  1. esli

    Does anyone have any Skate Furni Downloads?

    Oh wow, thanks :)
  2. esli

    Does anyone have any Skate Furni Downloads?

    Yes. LOL
  3. esli

    Does anyone have any Skate Furni Downloads?

    Ive been searching and searching searching. But just cant seem to find any good downloadable Skate furnitures for my RP. Anyone got any good working ones?
  4. esli

    [HELP] Is there a way of creating .. [HELP]

    Is there a way of creating our own swfs? I cant find any suitable swfs and etc, so im just wondering if theres a possible way of making my own one for a habborp.
  5. esli

    [HELP] Need help making a v26 Habbo RP [HELP]

    Need someone to make me a quick tutorial, or for someone to come on my TV and do whatever they need to, to make the rp. I have everything thats needed I have a VPS, a Phoniex . I will pay you through via Paypal. Or Make you a staff . I need this to be done really quickly. Send me a Quick PM...
  6. esli


  7. esli

    [HELP] Need help with Client & .. [HELP

    yeahhh, so ive been told. I might aswell start the whole process again :( - Thanks though
  8. esli

    [HELP] Need help with Client & .. [HELP

    I swear we could? Cant we like code it.. ? LOL
  9. esli

    [HELP] Need help with Client & .. [HELP

    Need help loading up my r63 client, and i need help turning it into a rp server. Its VPS hosted, the retro's done and etc. But the client wont load . I will pay you or make you staff at my hotel. Contact me asap. Help on: -Fixing client -Turning it into a RP .
  10. esli

    [HELP] Need help with my client & .. [HELP]

    Need help fixing my client & turning it into a RP. Its a r63. VPS and all them lot are done.
  11. esli

    [HELP] Can anyone help me make an RP Hotel? [HELP]

    Tbh, i already did many times. I just keep confusing myself and etc, i really need someone to help me out xD
  12. esli

    [HELP] Can anyone help me make an RP Hotel? [HELP]

    I guess, whoever can help first .
  13. esli

    [HELP] Can anyone help me make an RP Hotel? [HELP]

    I need someone to come on Team viewer and help me make an habbo roleplay. I have VPS and everything thats needed to make an habbo retro/rp. I will pay you through via Paypal. Send me your offers, PM ASAP .
  14. esli

    [HELP] Can anyone help me make .. [HELP]

    I need a co-worker to help me make a habbo roleplay hotel. Ive got a VPS and the domain ready. I believe ive got everything thats needed to make a habbo rp/retro already. I will pay you through Via Paypal, or make you co-owner of the hotel to give you some shares when i sell VIPS for real cash...
  15. esli

    [HELP] Can anyone help me... [HELP]

    I'm the noob here lmfao, whatevers best you tell me.
  16. esli

    [HELP] Can anyone help me... [HELP]

    What should i associate/domain it with?
  17. esli

    [HELP] Can anyone help me... [HELP]

    Can anyone help me make a v26 roleplay habbo hotel? One like "Habborp" or "fabborp", i'll pay you to help me through TeamViewer. I want to host one with VPS and etc. Contact me ASAP, i want to get this done ASAP.
  18. esli

    [Tut] How to create a v26 rp retro [Tut]

    Urm, i dont have it yet, but should i buy it now? So you can set it up and etc?
  19. esli

    [Tut] How to create a v26 rp retro [Tut]

    I dont really mind to be honest, whatevers best im up for it.
  20. esli

    [Tut] How to create a v26 rp retro [Tut]

    Yeahh, im gonna pay monthly :3