Ive been searching and searching searching.
But just cant seem to find any good downloadable Skate furnitures for my RP.
Anyone got any good working ones?
Is there a way of creating our own swfs?
I cant find any suitable swfs and etc, so im just wondering if theres a possible way of making my own one for a habborp.
Need someone to make me a quick tutorial, or for someone to come on my TV and do whatever they need to, to make the rp.
I have everything thats needed
I have a VPS, a Phoniex .
I will pay you through via Paypal.
Or Make you a staff .
I need this to be done really quickly.
Send me a Quick PM...
Need help loading up my r63 client, and i need help turning it into a rp server.
Its VPS hosted, the retro's done and etc.
But the client wont load .
I will pay you or make you staff at my hotel.
Contact me asap.
Help on:
-Fixing client
-Turning it into a RP .
I need someone to come on Team viewer and help me make an habbo roleplay.
I have VPS and everything thats needed to make an habbo retro/rp.
I will pay you through via Paypal.
Send me your offers,
I need a co-worker to help me make a habbo roleplay hotel.
Ive got a VPS and the domain ready.
I believe ive got everything thats needed to make a habbo rp/retro already.
I will pay you through Via Paypal, or make you co-owner of the hotel to give you some shares when i sell VIPS for real cash...
Can anyone help me make a v26 roleplay habbo hotel?
One like "Habborp" or "fabborp", i'll pay you to help me through TeamViewer.
I want to host one with VPS and etc.
Contact me ASAP, i want to get this done ASAP.