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  1. M


    hi im muhammad izaat i from malaysia so i dont spokes english goods :( i no get staffs on hotels when me asks so i want make my own retors website where everyone get staffs so they no get mad. i dont know how make i want the newest retor like an i already got my debbo and
  2. M

    i no understand tutorial pls make me retor

    hi im muhammad izaat i from malaysia so i dont spokes english goods :( i no get staffs on hotels when me asks so i want make my own retors website where everyone get staffs so they no get mad. i dont know how make i want the newest retor like an i already got my debbo and
  3. M

    someone make me a retors habbo website pls im begging u

    wat? lol i no kiss my hand dummy lol girl think you are cool if you own retor, and you get girlfriend. it true :(
  4. M

    someone make me a retors habbo website pls im begging u

    that why u pay for retor pls i no know and retor are no illegal lol because habbo no hack dem
  5. M

    someone make me a retors habbo website pls im begging u

    but many malaysian kid play retors :[
  6. M

    someone make me a retors habbo website pls im begging u

    no because loads of 7 - 12 year old make retor in malaysia if u owns a habbo retor websites you get many girlfriend pls help :(
  7. M

    someone make me a retors habbo website pls im begging u

    lol yes i can but i no know how to make and being 8 mean notings
  8. M

    someone make me a retors habbo website pls im begging u

    hi im muhammad izaat i from malaysia so i dont spokes english goods :( i no get staffs on hotels when me asks so i want make my own retors website where everyone get staffs so they no get mad. i dont know how make i want the newest retor like an i already got my debbo and