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  1. SuperBoogie

    GTA SA Samp server

    IP TO MY SERVER IS HostName: ||.::Test Roleplay::.|| Address: Players: 0 / 0 Ping: 9999 Mode: Map: Contact me on [email protected] if wanna talk to me :D
  2. SuperBoogie

    What was the first retro

    what was the first retro lets see if you know!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. SuperBoogie

    Whats Better

    Is IPAD Better Or xbox kinect
  4. SuperBoogie

    How do you stay out of trouble the easy way

    Whats your opinion of how to stay out of trouble!!!!!..?
  5. SuperBoogie

    A Nice PHP Retro CMS

    If you edit a php retro cms that pwn please post it here
  6. SuperBoogie

    Who could fix error

    [12/27/2010 12:11:33 PM] -- Unhandled exception in IonTcpConnection.DataReceived () method, exception message: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host, stack trace: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceive(IAsyncResul t asyncResult) at...
  7. SuperBoogie

    RP Commands

    #region :revive case "revive": { if (rankManager.containsRight(_Rank, "fuse_administrator_access") == false) return false; else {...
  8. SuperBoogie

    [Holograph] Phoenix Emulator 2.0 + PhoenixCMS

    PhoenixEmulator 2.0 Overview: No, this is not Aaron's role-play server, but this is the best their is released beyond that. This role-play server was originally coded by Ryan, but I continued development from their, and finished the emulator to my knowledge, but yet their is much more to be...