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  1. W

    HELP AGAIN! Screenshots provided

    Using UberEmu edited by slaxxer. and i'm using PrivilegeCMS. I believe it's called. I'm using PEJump's swfs, and I've done what the readme file says to do. I'm still getting errors to do with the client: If anyone can give me a hand it would be muchly appreciated. PS; This is the link if...
  2. W

    xampp security concept. new.

    Making a new retro. Got as far as xampp and there is a problem with the security concept. It was always a problem on xampp I think, but does anyone know how to sort it? Or does anybody know the version of xampp where there was no problems with it what so ever? Thanks in advance.
  3. W

    error_text problem. :{

    Another problem encountered, i don't know what the source of this is. The EMU or the external_texts/vars/dcrs. I don't know, any help would be muchly appreciated. I am using OBBORP server just to add :} Thanks in advance.
  4. W

    Wrong Shockwave Version

    Making a RP hotel, with obbo's server etc. It's all correct, but when i get onto the client it says that i have the wrong version of shockwave. But i have the most recent of the shockwave. Does anyone know what the obbo client shockwave version is? If not, does anyone know how to sort it...
  5. W

    Commands Needed [RP]

    I don't know if what i'm requesting has been posted already, but i've searched some throughout the forums. Basically; it is the recent OBBO server that has been released by sledmore. And i need commands for it. Such as; :bringbot [ID] what it does? It brings the id of the bot that has been...
  6. W

    Assassins Creed; Brotherhood

    Anyone had the technical difficulty of not getting back in the Animus once you've left it? Lol. i only left it too see what it does, etc where it takes you. And now i can't get back in it. Rofl?!?!? Anyone else?
  7. W

    [HELP] RP Server problems! PLEASE GIVE A HAND! [HELP]

    Hai, i'm having many problems with my Roleplay Retro. I can start it and stuff, but it has many problems, such as; -Ph Boxes show up instead of the correct furni. -In the Emu itself, there seems to be red lines under some of the wording in the commands, so they don't work either. I've taken...
  8. W

    [HELP] Register Mess Up. [HELP]

    Well, when i click register on someone elses RP. It doesn't work properly; I have an image of the problem: This isn't my hotel, i'm just helping out someone who owns it, as they do not own a devbest account; i thought i'd save them the trouble and post it for...
  9. W

    Amazingly Funny!!! Lol I lol'd :P
  10. W

    [TUT] How to make A RP Server [TUT]

    Well, seeing as there are no active tutorials on here; or; tutorials that are no longer working, such as the links are messed etc. I thought I’d make one, for any of you to follow. This tutorial is for an RP server; :hit x, :push x etcetc. What you WILL need; - XAMPP...
  11. W

    [COMMANDS] Needing Commands Coded

    I need some more commands for my rp server. I need commands such as; :gangform :leavegang :ganginvite :gangkick :gangdisband etcetc. Also; im needed stuff like Gang bots, police bots also. Thanks in advance to any who can help <3.
  12. W

    [HELP] VARs check-up. Rastalulz [HELP]

    cast.entry.39=hh_human_50_acc_face client.use.invites=1 external.figurepartlist.txt= cast.entry.33=hh_human_acc_face cast.entry.11=hh_human_hair link.format.userpage= room.rating.enable=1...