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    Minecraft clothing help

    Okay, I went to and got myself a skin, uploaded it to mob, etc. I go on the game, I can see it but no one else can. What do I do. :(
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    Minecraft help

    Uhm, I'm trying to make my house where no one else can break it. I did //pos1 and //pos2 and /region define <name>, it said unknown command.. what do I putin define
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    Free VPS?

    I was wondering if you guys know of any free VPS Before I purchase one I wanna see if there's a free one :o
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    Video WHAT the fuck WTF ARE THEY DOING.. Im sorry but they scare me.
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    Minecraft name ideas!

    I need a name for MineCraft, a really good one. Nothing with numbers. :o
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    Help with some minecraft commands.

    Today on my server, like 20 people came on tnt'd places, burned places, etc. I downloaded all the plugins I had to, to stop them. What's the command to protect your house so no one can break it.
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    Problem with minecraft..

    I got a server, it was ham for a day and then I port forwarded. & Now there's an error.. Does anyone know how to fix it. :(
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    Minecraft SetSpawn

    /setspawn doesn't work.. :(
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    Some MineCraft Help!

    Okay, so this is a list of some of my problems. When someone joins, they can't build anything, what do I do.. :o How to I make an area protected, so no one can destroy it.. :o I'm trying to find download links, but I can't.. :o Please help me. :(
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    MineCraft Land Help

    I made a server, but the land isn't superflat, and I dont have unlimited inventory.. what do I do.
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    Introduction Hello!

    Hello, i'm Stephen!