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  1. iFresh

    [Help] Blank Catalog Page

    Hello, In my catalogue in staff cata it looks like this: << As you can see this page is blank. That what Im trying to fix. I have looked threw catalog_pages and have found no blank page(Dumb Idea). So now another problem is this: As you can see I need to click on Rares in order for Promo so...
  2. iFresh

    RevCMS Staff Page With Nationalities

    Hello, I use RevCMS With Habbo Theme. I was wondering how can I add nationality flags into the staff page. For example like this: Took Image From (Hepix Hotel) Like the UK Flag for example. Thanks, iFresh
  3. iFresh

    [Help] Room With Gates Problem

    Hello, Ok so my problem is that when I create a 352 tiles room and place a gate where the top is the u cannot walk threw the gate. But if u put in the middle it does. Images: Dont Work: Works: Is this like a glitch or something? Please Help. Thanks In Advance
  4. iFresh

    [Help] News Containers

    Hello, So in my news page The news container that shows article names list is really big and the one that says the article is really small. It should be the opposite I believe. Please Help how can I change this: Thanks in advance.
  5. iFresh

    HELP Latest r63 SWFS (Clothes+Effects)

    Hello, Ive been trying all the swfs on habbo releases and they dont contain the latest clothing and effect. Can someone please help me get the lastest with all the clothes and effects. Thank You.
  6. iFresh

    Illumina CMS Web.config?

    Hello DevBest, I want to use Illumina with IIS, but I need the web.config for it to work. If anyone can help me thanks alot. .htaccess:
  7. iFresh

    Illumina CMS Error Help

    Hello, When I go to the website I get this error: LightCMS MySQLi Engine Error Host 'Name' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server Does anyone know how to fix this Error, Please help Thanks, iFresh
  8. iFresh

    [Help] Illuminia CMS Web Build

    Hello, I was wondering where I can update the Illumina CMS Web Build. I am trying to update it because on the client I get a black screen but I am not sure how to update it. Thanks, iFresh
  9. iFresh


    Hello DevBest, Many users have asked me how to be no faced in the hotel. But i really dont know how. My question is is there a look code for navicat that makes u faceless like Something like that. -Thanks iFresh
  10. iFresh

    Help Phoenix 3.9.0

    Hello DevBest, I am having an error this is an image: And then this is the threaderror.php: Please Help -Thanks
  11. iFresh

    Staff Application Page?

    Is There One Released Out There Yet? If Not Can Someone Make Me One With This: Name (Real Name): Email Address: Username: TimeZone: Rank: How Many Hours Can You Be Active? What Experience Do You Have? How Could You Help The Hotel? About Yourself (Optional): : Ok So Like That For Ranks I Would...
  12. iFresh

    Catalog PROBLEM EMU- 3.9.0

  13. iFresh

    Help ASE/HK

    I Go Into /ase And It Dosent Work, But Then I Go To /ase/login I Put My Details Click Log In And Nothing Happens.
  14. iFresh

    New SWFS

    Does anyone have the swfs that have all new clothes. Like all the ones that are in
  15. iFresh

    Help Yabbok Logo

    I Downloaded Yabbok Theme But It Seems That I Cant Change The Logo For It, It Is Default It Says rh Could It Be Changed?