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  1. Andre12345

    I need some Addons ;P

    Hi, I work for Sniper hotel as Owner and I'm trying to get more users online, by making the site more " Interesting" By adding more Addons, edits. I've tried to just used other peoples Habbo theme edits, but some of them blow up in my face ^_^. So now, I'm just going to use the original Habbo...
  2. Andre12345

    RevCMS commenting system request

    Hi . I'm using RevCMS and I'm wondering If I could get a Commenting system for my news . I've allready tried the one for Facebook but I blew up in my face. Please HELP thank you.
  3. Andre12345

    Client upgrade?

    I want to upgrade or change my client look. My client looks like this: And I want to make it look like this: If its a SWF thing please give me link to em' . Thank you!
  4. Andre12345

    RevCMS client loads without images.

    The title explains it all. RevCMS client loads without images. It doesnt show Hotel view, It doesnt show Any furniture, It doesnt show the clothing on people. Please HELP! I would show you some screenies but a live demo is much better (: That link, is the link to my...
  5. Andre12345

    Client button Redirect help

    Hi DevBesters I need help with my client button. When you click client it takes you to .api , when you complete that It takes you to /client . But when you complete .api and go into client, and lets say you get d.c, when you click client button, it takes you to client.php and there is no...
  6. Andre12345

    RevCMS Errors that I need fixed/ Request for help

    Okay; Hi DevBest! I have a couple of errors I need fixed. 1.)When I type in it says 404 error, when I have a housekeeping. 2.) When I click on the "Enter Client" button it says 404 error client.php isnt found, but when I type (without ".php") The...
  7. Andre12345

    RevCMS client D/c

    Hi Otaku Studios, I'm helping my friend with his hotel. We've got everything how we wanted , but the client. When you enter client it shows the navigation bar and the motd. But then It d.c, It gets reported in Phoenix emulator saying: >> Connection Dropped [0] from [] >> Connection...
  8. Andre12345

    RevCMS client o.O Freezes. & Housekeeping

    Hi I'm helping my friend make a retro and all but We need some help The client isn't loading, Well It is but not all the way . The bottom loads completely but the top is having some trouble :(. I would upload a screenie , But you can watch a live demo . I think my SWFS are broken. I'm NOT using...
  9. Andre12345

    RevCMS client error; Client loads fully then d.c

    Uh. Please help me with my RevCMS client . I have a paid for Emulator ( Phoenix 3.0) It works great and Stuff. The hotel was up before than , I wanted to switch to UberCMS so I tried to .Didn't work out. We got in a big fight and the UberCMS didnt want to work . So I said w.e and got back with...
  10. Andre12345

    Is there a tut on how to add boxes on Me page for RevCMS?

    Well the tittle explains it all. Is there a tut on how to add boxes on Me page for RevCMS. I know how to add boxes for RevCMS allready but when I do I don't get a Box I get this rectangle Scrennie: Were it says " Test for devbest" I wanted that to be a...
  11. Andre12345

    RevCMS Ase error, Won't let me log in.

    Ugh , This stupid Ase housekeeping wont let me log into HK. Idk whats wrong with it. I type in my Username + Password correctly and IT just Redirects me to the same page. I'm rank 7 Admin Please Help me! I'm using Navicat
  12. Andre12345

    How do you add moving words on me page for revCMS?

    Well If you go to Fresh hotel you'll see a bar above the header-container saying "Shop deal: If you purchase anything anything from Fresh shop you'l receive x2 of what you ordered." and those words are moving from the right to the left . I want to add that to my retro. To avoid registering on...
  13. Andre12345

    How do I add a radio to every page of Revcms?

    Well the title explains it all. How do I add a radio to every page of RevCMS? If you don't get what I'm saying, I mean I have a SHOUTcast prehosted radio and I added the code to Me.php and now there is a radio on the Me page, But I want a radio on EVERY page, without me having to Copy and...
  14. Andre12345

    [HELP] Last Post [HELP]

    Hi again . This is my last post for a LONG time. I got almost everything working ATM. but the Stupid client I have a NON-cracked working Phoenix Emulator . And When I open client I get this white page :/ This is the one thing I need help HOW DO I WORK SWFS?! I mean How Do I configure SWFS...
  15. Andre12345


    Ok This is my 4th thread ever created on DevBest . <3 I need your Help I'm making a Content Management System for my Friend . You see the "Enter Savage-Studio" Client button? I want to know how to change the color. Oh and I want to know How to add the box on the Me.php age like the radio...
  16. Andre12345

    [HELP] Xampp/Client [HELP]

    Hi DevBesters :D Me again. I need YOUR help . With Xampp and Client, One My retro is going fine , Going well , And Im deciding to open it . So i want to make Xampp public. I've tried to use but Only I can see it, E.g Example when i type in on my...
  17. Andre12345

    [HELP] Request [HELP]

    Hi Guys this is my Second post on Devbest and I'm asking for Help . I need All the things circled in red to be the color thats circled in Green . I would really appreciate it if you know how to do it. -Thank you. BTW I'ts not on ISS Xampp.
  18. Andre12345

    [HELP] RevCMS client [HELP]

    Hiaa , I'm back and I need your help with my revCMS client. My client doesnt exactly "work". 1.) When i click enter hotel i get an .api error so I just skip that. But when i type in localhost/client, the bottom bar loads and the Top doesnt Screenie: