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  1. X

    Best CMS's to use for a hotel!

    yes.. i was asking what CMS is better > RevCMS or UberCMS, cause i was thinknig of converting over since im only using my hotel (on laptop) as a tester hotel to try new things out
  2. X

    Best CMS's to use for a hotel!

    alright thanks, was just wondering cause i see alot of people posting uber cms, uber info etc all the time so was jsut wondering whats the differance, Thanks guys
  3. X

    Best CMS's to use for a hotel!

    ive been looking thought CMS's and all kinds of hotels, ive noticed alot of people use Uber and RevCMS whats the best CMS to use? so far im using Rev but thinking about UberCMS. Should i stay with RevCMS Should i change to UberCMS also what are the defects of using revCMS and converting...